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The Power of Copywriting in Marketing

Marketing is omnipresent in our lives, whether it is at work (we are a marketing agency after all), while scrolling through social media, or while we’re out and about, doing our weekly grocery shop or simply waiting for the bus. Anywhere we go, we run into adverts and marketing campaigns and most of them go by unnoticed simply due to the sheer amount we’re exposed to on a daily basis. So how can your Marketing communications stand out in this ocean of advertisements?

The art of copywriting

Copywriting is essentially about persuading your audience to carry out a beneficial action for you; this could be buying a product, filling out a form, signing up for a newsletter, following your social media page, etc. Good copywriting is not only about promoting or selling a product or service, though, it’s about switching to the audience’s perspective and figuring out what they are looking for and how their needs can be met. 

What does a copywriter do?

A successful copywriter is a versatile individual who can easily adapt. They have to use different creative writing techniques to respond to a variety of Marketing outcomes. Generally speaking, a copywriter formulates all the written content you need: slogans, social media texts, content marketing articles in a magazine, email newsletters, search ads - a copywriter has got it all covered. A copywriter’s work usually starts off by investing a lot of time into getting to know the business they’re writing for. It’s important to know as much as possible about the company, the product, the tone of voice or vocabulary they’re using, and the target audience. It’s the attention to detail that allows the copywriter to find the perfect tone, style and message.

What makes copywriting so effective?

In most cases, the written element of an advertisement is what gives it a message and meaning. An image on its own might not be able to convey all the information that you would want your audience to receive. Pictures are not always worth a 1000 words and anything related to promoting a product or service can be elevated with good copywriting. Similar to algorithms, our brains also associate certain keywords with specific brands. A copywriter sets the foundation for that association by creating an appealing text identity for your business.

“But anyone can write”

That’s not exactly true. Writing and delivering captivating copy are two different things. The real challenge is that there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to copywriting. Writing styles and the overall approach vary depending on the client and the medium, and it takes a lot of practice to switch to your audience’s point of view and convey key elements in an appealing way.
But thanks to their versatile and flexible profile, a copywriter will always find the right tone of voice, vocabulary and content for your intended audience.

Why is copywriting important in marketing?

Meaning & purpose

  • Add meaning & purpose to your advertisement. Make your audience want to listen to what you have to say.

Clarity & structure

  • A clear and well–structured text goes a long way. Don’t risk misleading your audience, convey exactly the message you want your audience to receive.


  • Master the art of storytelling to take your advertising to the next level. Strong storytelling will not only lead to great copy, but also create a whole universe around your brand and make your products or services memorable. 

Tone of voice

  • Finding the right tone of voice and vocabulary is important to reach your audience and to make them identify themselves with your brand.